Is your website taking slow loading speed? Here are reasons of slow web page loading along with their solutions which your web designer can implement easily.

websites which loads faster and save their valuable time. Therefore, there is no second thought on the importance of a sound loading speed website.

In this post, we are going to share reasons of slow loading speed of a website along with some advice how your web designer can improve it.


you will have to create JPEG images under 100kb file size. Using too many images on your web pages can slow down the loading speed of your website and therefore its recommended to optimize the images so that the size of the image files can be reduced without losing the image quality noticeably. A web designer can easily use the tools like Photoshop and optimize the images for website.


avoid inline css for your web page. use tool for minify css, and javascript.   you must cut down the coding (if you have complex codes) and keep simple coding structure which will definitely help your web pages to load in a better way.

 JavaScript Codes

Minify your JavaScript and use external JavaScript. There are still many browsers that doesn’t support JavaScript codes and as a result they would queue up the JavaScript requests and will slow down the loading speed of the website.


CDN (Content Delivery Network) helps a website to enhance its loading speed by rendering the web pages to the users from their nearest data Center . The far a server is from a user,the slower will be the loading speed of the web pages. As a result, a great surfing experience will be served for your users.


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